cool tool depuzzling your scans

What is Points3D

Points3D is a software tool to handle the registration/alignment of pointcloud scans generated by 3D LiDAR laserscanners.

It is also a pointcloud modeling tool, meaning pointclouds will be segmented into surfaces and meshed (triangulated) with a fast triangulation technique. This modeling allows to filter the pointclouds for relevant key surfaces and discard non interesting data. Triangulation may reduce data tremdously with many benefits: easier 3D navigation, cutting cumbersome pointclouds into easier handling and analyzing 3D objects with well known standard 3D techniques, etc…


.. well, here is one of your advantages:

this example Alignment demo movie shows how the registration time is reduced from 4 hours to 5 minutes (summary at the end 4:20).



  • automatic and manual registration of pointcloud scans,
  • reduce data tremendously (more than a factor 1000) without loosing relevant details,
  • fast loading, display and navigating through multiple scans,
  • filter: demirror scans,
  • create profiles,
  • create profiles with edge detection,
  • create floorplans,
  • save data to standard 3D CAD/Pointcloud files for further work with custom software.


How does it work?

The registration is based on big data propabilistic analysis and AI algorithmic.

Scans are stripped down into individual planes. The planes are then divided into ceilings, grounds, walls A and perpendicular walls B. The scans should have overlap areas of ~5% within the A and B directions to succeed in automatic registration.

Aligning 2 scans typically takes around 10 seconds. The mean error – up to now – always turned out to be better than target based registrations.